Tips: How to Use a Flash Drive as RAM

If your computer seems slow, and you have already gone through making sure there are no viruses, spyware or adware on the system, it may be because your system needs more RAM. RAM is the short-term memory of the computer. It works with the processor to multi-task. RAM can easily be added to your system if you are not already at maximum capacity for your motherboard, and you have available slots. However, RAM can get expensive, and even after you max out your motherboard you may need more. Using a flash drive as RAM is a quick, easy and cheaper way to increase system memory. Since RAM is a virtual temporary memory, we can then use a Pen drive to increase the RAM space in a machine that hasn’t reach its maximum required Memory, below are some steps to the magic..

Step 1
Insert your flash drive into a USB port. If you have auto-play enabled, there should be an option in the menu that appears that says, “Speed Up My System” that will allow you to enable ReadyBoost.
In case the system doesn’t automatically prompt, then you go to my computer under the removable devices your USB drive should be listed and hence you right click followed by going to properties
Step 2
Click the “ReadyBoost” tab.
Step 3
To use the entire flash drive to increase RAM, click “Dedicate this device to ReadyBoost.”
Step 4
To use less than the entire flash drive for ReadyBoost, click “Use this device” and move the slider to the amount of space you would like to use, and after that click “OK”
Step 5
Right click the drive letter, and choose properties.
Step 6
Look for the Ready Boost Tab, and select it.
Step 7
Look for the option to enable the flash drive as RAM, and allocate the amount of space on the drive you wish to use as RAM. Remember, most systems max out at 4GB RAM. So if you have a drive larger than that, or 2GB RAM already, you need to remember this limitation so as to prevent damage to your system.
DISCLAIMER: This option can only be used under your own risk. Sometimes the systems might get damaged if the processes are not well implemented