
PUBLIC NOTICE ~ Event:13th Exhibitions on Higher Education, Science and Technology

The Tanzania Commission for


Venue:   Mnazi Mmoja Grounds, Dar es Salaam

Dates:    Wednesday 18th to Saturday 21st July, 2018

Theme:  Quality Higher Education for Industrial Revolution in Tanzania

The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) wishes to inform all stakeholders and the general public that, the 13th Exhibitions on Higher
Education, Science and Technology will be held from 18th to 21st July 2018 at
Mnazi  Mmoja   Grounds,   Dar  es   Salaam.  Higher  Education  Institutions,

Regulatory, Professional and Research Bodies within and outside Tanzania are

invited to take part.

Exhibitions’ Vision:

To become the leading national and regional state of the art exhibitions that will promote mutual understanding on quality assurance issues in higher

education and research outputs and a platform that enhances participation, linkages/collaboration, and partnerships between higher education institutions, Research and Development (R & D) Institutions and the Industry for the benefits of all humanity.

Exhibitions’ Mission:

To create and promote equity, collaborations, partnerships networks and linkages between higher education institutions, industry, research and development institutions for attainment of national development goals as well as for the regional and global socioeconomic development.

The Objectives of the Exhibitions:

o   To create awareness among the general public about Higher Education Institutions, Professional Bodies , as well as Research and Development Institutions in the country;

o   To provide an opportunity for participating institutions to publicize and showcase their core functions and activities;

o   To provide a platform for higher education institutions, R&D Institutions and Educational Business Companies to exchange ideas and experiences related to their core functions thereby triggering competition that make them competitive;

o   Enable the public and prospective applicants for admission into Higher Education Institutions within and outside Tanzania for the year 2018/2019 to interact with Universities, Regulatory Bodies and Research Institutions in order for them to make an informed choice


Application to participate at the exhibitions (as an exhibitor) must be done by registering online through http://www.tcu.go.tz/exhibition and submit the dully filled in registration form online.


i.     Exhibitors: These include Higher Education Institutions from within and outside Tanzania, Private sector firms, Research Institutions, Quality Assurance Regulatory Bodies and Professional bodies.

ii.   Visitors: These are the higher Education stakeholders, including students, parents/guardians, private sector, teachers/lecturers government ministries/agencies, development partners and the general public

Exhibitions Venue:

The 13th exhibitions on Higher Education Science and Technology will be held at Mnazi Mmoja Grounds, Dar es Salaam


The exhibitions will take four (4) days from Wednesday 18th to Saturday 21st July 2018

Participation fee:

Participation Fee:
Mode of Payment:

1. Local
For Local Participants:

CRDB Bank, Account Number

Tsh. 2,500,000 (Tanzanian
01J1026795702 , Account Name: Tanzania

Shillings Two million five
Commission for Universities

hundred thousand


2. Foreign
For the Foreign participants:

CRDB Bank, Account Number

USD. 2,500 (US Dollar Two
02J1026795700, Account Name: Tanzania

Thousand five hundred only
Commission for Universities. Swift Code

CORUTZTZ, Branch Name; Azikiwe

Note: The fee covers:

      Two exhibitions Booths/Stands of 3X3 Square metres

      Hiring of Exhibitions Venue

      Media and Publicity

      Utilities (Water, electricity and cleanliness)

      Publication of exhibitions booklet

      Catering services

      Public Address and Brass Band

      General organization

Opening hours

Exhibitions will be open from 09:00hours to 17:00hours.

Expected Outcome:

      Increased awareness among the general public about the role of Higher Education Institutions, Professional Bodies , as well as Research and Development Institutions in the industrialization agenda of the country;

      Improved existing networks, collaborations and linkages amongst the participating institutions and attracted new ones

      Appreciated and enhanced roles of HE in the industrialization process

      Realized and utilized opportunities available in higher education, R&D Institutions and the Business firms

      Appreciated the role of higher education, R&D Institutions and the Business firms in achieving national, regional and global development

Exhibitions Guidelines

The guidelines for all exhibitors are available on TCU website: www.tcu.go.tz, Exhibitions Link.

Registration Form:

Institutions, organizations and individual firms wishing to participate at the 13th exhibitions on Higher Education, Science, and Technology are required to register online by filling in the registration form available on TCU website, “EXHIBITIONS” Link and submit the duly completed forms to exhibitions@tcu.go.tz and copy tmtau@yahoo.com .

Deadline for Registration and Payments:

The deadline for registration and payment of participation fee is 11th July 2018.

All Payment slips must be submitted through the provided email addresses before exhibitions dates

Executive Secretary,

The Tanzania Commission for Universities,
P. O. Box 6562,
Dar es Salaam

Tel: +255 22 2772657
Mob: +255787 266777

Website: www.tcu.go.tz

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