

Demand for Professional Training Certificate and Diploma level at Public colleges was officially launched on June 10, 2017 and concluded on 20 August 2017.
Until the closing date of the application, a total of 15,091 applicants (6, 051 and 9,040 women) completed their application. 12,152 applicants (equivalent to 80.5%) had qualifications to join the training programs they requested. Total applicants
2,939 (19.5%) did not have the qualifications to join the Training Teaching.
Teaching Opportunities at Public Territory Teachers' Colleges were 5,375 for the Educational Teaching certificate program and 3,731 for various Educational Teaching Diploma programs. Thus, the total number of qualifications for Training Teaching for the year 2017/2018 was 9,106 at 30 colleges, whereby 23 colleges offer Teaching Training for certificate and 16 colleges level offer training at Diploma level. 
Appointment of applicants applied general criteria that are Grade 1 to III Qualifications for Form Four and Form Sixth Applicants for Diploma. In addition the applicants of the Certificate students who graduated from Science in the Fourth Division were given priority. The highest achievement for applicants for the certificate course is division I to 14points and Diploma is division I to 6 points. The minimum achievement for graduates of the Certificate is Grade III, 25 marks and Diploma is Division III, and point 17.
A total of 7,578 applicants have been selected and thus allocated for Teaching Training for Certificate and Diploma level at the Educational Institutions Colleges. The remaining positions at the Government Teachers' colleges without filling are 1,528. This is due to how applicants have made a college choice. The names of the selected are available at the Ministry's website (www.moe.go.tz (http://www.moe.go.tz/)), NACTE (www.nacte.go.tz (http: //www.nacte. go.tz/)), and on private (profile) applicants for applicants and at relevant colleges. Teachers' Colleges are expected to be opened on 25 September, 2017. In addition, those selected will be informed by the relevant colleges on the procedure to arrive and start studies.
Given that there are still open chances for colleges, the National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) will provide an opportunity to submit applications to Certificate and Diploma programs in various fields in the country from 18 September,
2017 to 1 October, 2017.

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