5 points to help you keep that job!

We put a lot of focus on how to get that perfect job so in this blog we decided to highlight a few points on how to keep your job!Over the past couple of years there has been a vast amount of people getting laid off and a lot of companies have gone out of business. Unfortunately, this is when the people at the top start looking down the ranks to see which employees they deem important enough to keep and which ones they can get rid of. This can be a stressful time for the employee but thankfully there are steps that you can be taken in order to increase your chances of avoiding the guillotine and staying employed.
Listed below are 5 points that will help you keep your job when layoffs are an impending reality:
Have a good, positive attitude:
A positive attitude can go a long way in the office, let’s face it most of us really don’t want to be in an office all day, that, coupled with the everyday stress and workloads can be a breeding ground for bad moods and negative attitudes. When you are a positive employee, it will be noticed by your colleagues and boss. Positive thinking will also increase your chances of people enjoying working with you and then when it is time for the company to start looking for victims, you will probably not be the first person on that list because we all like friendly people. Positivity attracts positivity; good things will come your way if you remain positive and happy.
Go that extra mile:
Being able to manage your own workload is great but when you manage to help your colleagues with theirs, not only will colleagues notice and appreciate this, your boss will too. If you are able to complete your own task and make time to go help others in your respective department you will be highly appreciated and valued in the workplace.
Build ties:Building a good relationship with your colleagues your boss can really go a long way to keep your job. If you and your boss genuinely get along, chances are he will reluctant to give you the chop or even at all, chances are the moody, grumpy one in the office will get the heave-ho first, simple things like compatibility and friendships can go a long way to keeping your job secure.
Don’t slack off:There are times at work where things may be quiet or there is not much to do or you just don’t feel like doing anything at all. Try your best to avoid these moments or phases as much as possible. Work as if you are always being monitored. Fellow workers may be ‘snakes in the grass’ and are looking to sabotage you to further their career, or employers may watch over you themselves. So always try to keep yourself busy at all times. If you have an hour lunch break, don’t take an hour and a half, because your boss or other colleagues may be watching you and looking for a reason to fire you.Try keep these point in mind at all times and practicing them should help ensure that you are not singled out first when the boss decides to pull out the unemployment shotgun. Best of luck!