10 Vacancies at Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU)

“Lux Mundi- Light of the World”
P. O. Box 1226 Fax: +255-272974108
Moshi - Tanzania. Email: mwengeuniversity@gmail.com
Tel: +255-272974110 Web- Site: www.mwecau.ac.tz
Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU) is recognized by the Tanzania Commission for
Universities (TCU) and the National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) for
offering Degrees and non-degree programmes. It is located in Kilimanjaro region.
MWECAU invites application from qualified Tanzanians for the following teaching
1. Lecturer
Lecturer in Law – 1 vacancy
2. Assistant Lecturers
Assistant Lecturer in Law -1 vacancy
Assistant Lecturers in English Literature – 1 vacancy
Assistant Lecturer in English Linguistics – 1 vacancy
Assistant Lecturer in Physics – 1 vacancy
Assistant Lecturer in History -1 vacancy
Assistant Lecturer in Computer Science - 1 vacancy
Assistant Lecturer in Librarianship -1 vacancy
3. Laboratory technologist - 1 vacancy
For the Post of Lecturer, the applicant should have a good PhD degree from recognized
institution plus a Master’s degree with a GPA of 4.0 and above and an Upper Second
Bachelor Degree with a GPA of 3.8 and above.
Both doctorate, Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees must be obtained from recognized
institutions by the TCU.
Duties and responsibilities
a. To teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses;
b. To supervise research, theses and dissertation of postgraduate students;
c. To supervise practical training of undergraduate students;
d. To conduct research, consultancy and public service;
e. To perform any other duties assigned to him/her from time to time.
For the Post of Assistant Lecturer, applicant should have a good Master’s Degree in a
relevant field with a GPA of 4.0 plus at least an Upper Second Bachelor Degree with a
minimum GPA of 3.8 and above for classified degrees. And for unclassified degree an
overall of B+ grade or above.
Duties and responsibilities:
a. To teach undergraduate courses;
b. To supervise practical training of undergraduate students;
c. To conduct research, consultancy and public service;
d. To perform any other duties assigned to him/her from time to time.
For the post of Tutorial Assistant, applicant should have at least a 3.8 GPA in their
Degree studies
Duties and responsibilities:
a. Assists in specified tasks in connection with laboratory practical research and
students ‘projects under close supervision.
b. Assists academic staff in their research, teaching and consultancy activities. Assists in
the repair and maintenance of laboratory and workshop facilities
c. Performs any other related duties assigned by immediate Supervisor.
5. The Deadline for the application is 24th March 2018
6. Interview Date: Only short listed candidates will be informed on a date for interview.
Interested candidates should apply through emails below:
i. Detailed CV.
ii. Photocopy of relevant certificates and transcripts.
iii. Names and addresses of two referees.
iv. Mode of communication is through emails.
All the application should be send to
Director of Human Resources
Mwenge Catholic University
P.O.Box 1226
Moshi, Kilimanjaro
Email: hr@mwecau.ac.tz