
online make money

So, I've got a question for you...

How much revenue would you like to generate from your blog in the coming year?

Keep that income goal something reasonable. In other words, make it to where it is enough growth that'll make you happy, but not so sky-high that you make it unattainable.

Write that number down.

My next question, then, is...

HOW do you plan to pull that off?

Do you have a concrete plan to do it? Plans broken down into projects and tasks? Deadlines assigned? Benchmarks?

The good news is that your goal is probably far more attainable than you think. Most of the time, when you begin to break down these goals into individual sales, it starts to get a lot more real.

For many, turning their blog into a six-figure online business seems like a pipe dream. But, do the math...

If you had just one $27 product and sold 10 per day, you're at $98,550 for the year in income. In reality, you'd have something else in that pipeline than just one single product. So, you could make less sales but have an upsell in there and still hit your number.

Now, let's be real...

If you're in the very beginning phases of business, then even what I just said will seem far-fetched. And I get it.

In a stat I found awhile back, 81% of bloggers never even crack through $100 in income from their blogs in a full year.


My mission is to do something about that. And I want to make it far less far-fetched for people.

When you're making less than $100 per year... or even $1000... with your blog, then ramping up to $100k will seem unreal. But, it isn't that difficult when you have blueprints.

Let me share with you something else that I'll be launching into the Lab in 2017.


Blueprints will be separate from the Lab training library (which, as you can see, will be growing quite a bit in 2017). Blueprints will be action-based CHECKLISTS which are aimed at very specific outcomes.

These Blueprints will be downloadable and printable and will give you a project outline for specific things you wish to accomplish with your blog business.

Want to double your blog email opt-in rate? You'll download and follow the Blueprint for that.

Want to set up a funnel from scratch? Download the Blueprint. Do it.

Want to set up your membership site? You know there will be a blueprint for it.

You get the idea. These Blueprints will be project outlines, drilled down to the individual task level. With time deadlines for each and benchmarks along the way.

And as I said, they'll be quite different than the training. The training library (which is now Action Plans and Courses) is all about the "how", but the Blueprints will be just the "what", then "when", and "in what order". And you'll print it out, put it in your desk, and do it.

I'm excited about these Blueprints because this is the kind of thing I WISH I had when I was building my business.

Hell, I'll probably end up improving things in my own business as I create these. ;-)

So, that's another thing to look forward to inside The Lab for 2017.
Which also means that the next 2 days are a crazy opportunity to secure your access to all of it as it happens...

Click Here To Get The Details - And A Sneak Peak At Our 2017 Agenda

I haven't even updated that page yet with the Blueprints. It's a new idea I just came up with. Hot off the presses, so to speak. ;-)

In your corner,
mboya francis felix
Founder, Blog Marketing Academy

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